Sygnus is hosting an alternative investment summit on September 22, 2022, in Kingston, Jamaica.
The conference, dubbed “Sygnus Day”, will be held under the theme: “The Emergence of Regional Alternative Investments” in a hybrid format.
Participants will be invited to explore the dynamic world of alternative investments and how they can enhance growth for their businesses and their investment portfolios.
An alternative investment is a financial asset that doesn’t fall within conventional asset categories such as stocks and bonds. These types of investments typically include private credit, private equity, real estate, venture capital, hedge funds and commodities.
Alternatives are expected to produce half of the industry revenue in a few years, despite representing just 12 per cent of the $153 trillion global investable market in 2020, according to Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst (CAIA), the global professional body dedicated to Alternative Investments.
Sygnus has played a major part in the growth of alternative investments across the region for the past five years, with established offices in Puerto Rico and St Lucia.
The firm currently has over US$400 million under administration, in which it utilise alternative forms of investment such as private credit, real estate finance and private equity.
Sygnus utlises the funds to satisfy the unmet demands for innovative investment opportunities, unlock capital for growing companies, and contribute to economic development across the region.
“As a part of our commitment to fuelling economic growth across the region through innovative and creative financing, we wanted to create a platform in the form of a one-day summit that would allow our team of experts and partners to showcase the power of alternatives regionally and globally,” stated Berisford Grey, President and CEO at Sygnus Capital.
This summit will help not just institutional and individual investors to have a broader perspective of the services offered under alternative investments but also help other stakeholders to garner a deeper understanding of the various forms of alternative investments, Grey added.
The Alternative Investment summit which has been endorsed by the Caribbean Alternative Investment Association (CARAIA) will be hosted by Dr Terri-Karelle Reid.
The audience will be guided through engaging fireside chats and a keynote presentation by Ladell Robbins, Managing Director of BlackRock on the Global Perspective of Alternative Investments. BlackRock is the world’s largest asset manager, with US$8.5 trillion in assets under management as of June 2022.
Grey concluded: “We believe this will be a transformative event that will catalyse the growth of Alternative Investments in the Caribbean.”
Source: Loop News